The rest, perhaps the best, of your life ~ it starts today

“What if you could be in the midst of a community of world leaders who have Yes! Energy in all areas of their life? What if you could know how they harnessed that energy to continually produce positive results day after day?”
This evening, the first of 44 Yes! Energy Masters, gathered by and including Loral Langemeier, will start sharing their paths to success.

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It doesn’t seems possible that it’s been nearly two months since I posted to this blog. Have I really been in a funk that long? As it turns out, yes ~ emotionally, financially, and in many other ways more personal still.

This has gone on long enough, now, that I’m unsure, still, of my judgement or abilities or even the worth of what I’m writing right now. It’s a dark place to be in, and its walls are made of thin, darkly translucent rubber that gives when you push against it, but bounces you back at the end, and only rarely breaks.

But like I said a few months back, I won’t give up ~ even though at times like this that’s all I want to do. I will continue to believe that certain people, books, emails, websites, etc. are dropped into my path for a reason.

Like Loral Langemeier, and her Yes! Energy Summit that starts today. I encourage you to go there; look through her website, see what is there that is of value to you, what she offers that can help you to create the life you want for yourself and your loved ones.

Loral Langemeier’s Yes! Energy Summit ~ I’ll be there, listening and taking notes ~ and believing. I hope you will, too.

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