Avatar ~ Mother Earth in a whole new light

When I saw Avatar, for the first time in years, I walked out of the theater wanting to see it again immediately. And next time, in 3-D!

Whether or not Avatar shares some superficial characteristics with Alan Dean Foster’s Mid-World (which is fresh in my memory since I just read it a few months ago) is a consideration which rapidly pales to insignificance as the viewer enters in to the experience of the world Pandora Continue reading “Avatar ~ Mother Earth in a whole new light”

Back to basics

It occurred to me recently that in my mad dash to build my internet businesses, I had forgotten or let fall by the wayside some of the most important things I used to do ~ namely, daily affirmations and meditations on what I believe in and my vision for my life and my future.

Over the last few days little things would remind me, little nudges from the universe to get back to basics Continue reading “Back to basics”